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Kula-Akula are 2 aspects of The Supreme Reality.

The term Akula refers to Eternal Being and Kula to Eternal Becoming.

So while Akula is the transcendental reality, Kula is the phenomenal self expression of reality. Please read my post on Siva-Sakti, if not already read, as it will make it easier to grasp this concept and make the right connections between Siva-Sakti and Kula-Akula.

Akula refers to the Changeless, Differenceless, Transcendent Existence-Consciousness-Bliss or Sat-Cit-Ananda.

Kula on the other hand, is the self-revelation of:

        • Sat / Transcendent Existence as diverse, innumerable phenomenal existences
        • Cit/ Infinite Self luminous Consciousness into diverse types of finite, conditioned, phenomenal consciousnesses
        • Ananda/ Perfect Bliss into innumerable forms of limited empirical enjoyments


Kula exhibits Akula under the limiting conditions of time and space of our Universe. Hence, due to the limiting conditions:

      • Sat / Transcendent Existence is expressed as all diverse forms of existence limited by birth and death
      • Cit/ Infinite Self luminous Consciousness is expressed as all diverse forms of consciousnesses limited by ignorance, error, subject-object relation and psycho-physical conditions
      • Ananda/ Perfect Bliss is expressed as all joys limited by sorrows, wants and necessary objects & conditions for enjoyment


In the Kula aspect, Akula freely and blissfully manifests, realizes and enjoys the Self in the phenomenal plane with all its self imposed limitations. This is the play of the Nija-Shakti or the Unique power of Siva.

It is this Sakti that pervades Siva and eternally links the transcendent and dynamic character of Siva. So the Siva-Sakti combine is also called Kula-Akula-Swarupa.

Guru Gorakshanath explains, as follows, how the Kula-Akula Swarupa is experienced in the state of Samadhi and when one gets back to the normal state after being in Samadhi:

          1. in the state of Nirutthana or Samadhi, Sakti is revealed as Siva. Here the consciousness of the Yogi rises to the transcendent plane and transforms into the differenceless changeless Transcendent Consciousness and identifies fully with the Akula aspect. This is where the experience is of pure Adwaita or unity without difference or change. So it is the Absolute Experience where there is no distinction between the experiencer and the experienced Truth
          2. in the state of Vyutthana or reawakening after Samadhi, Siva appears as Sakti. On descending back to the phenomenal plane, the Yogi’s consciousness is illumined by the Samadhi experience and so the Yogi is able to recognize that Siva is manifested through Sakti in the phenomenal plane or Akula as embodied in Kula. Here the experience is of Dwaita-Adwaita or Unity with differences and changes.


A Mahayogi moves between these experiences seamlessly and is hence able to feel a sense of harmony and unity with the ability to experience Akula in Kula and Kula in Akula.

Due to this experience of Akula-Kula, Mahayogis have often defined Siva-Sakti as eternally wedded to each other, eternally in a loving embrace and inseparable union. Siva Illuminates and spiritualizes Sakti and all her varied creations in the phenomenal world. Sakti, in all her manifestations reveals the infinite existence, consciousness, beauty, goodness of Siva and provides eternal enjoyment to Siva. Siva is also referred to as the Soul of the Cosmos and Sakti the body, mind, intellect creating all experiences for the enjoyment of Siva.

Siva is also perceived as Father and Sakti as Mother of the Universe, though there is no question of gender with regard to them. As Father, Siva is the Cause of all creation and as Mother, Sakti is the nurturer of all life.

So according to the Nath Yoga texts, the Source through which this whole cosmos appears is not a material substance or what they call Acit-Sakti. They say that it is a Cit-Sakti or what we call a Spiritual Reality. This Cit-Sakti is the nature of Vidya or Sambit (i.e. knowledge or consciousness).

Therefore, it is difficult to perceive and requires a tough mental, physical and spiritual discipline to be able to fully connect with Siva-Sakti.

Next….. Chapter 1 of SSP – Who is Sakti and How She Appears

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