Chapter 6 – Discovering the Spiritual Body
A person is not only a physical being but also has a mental framework, a psychological framework, ways of acting and behaving, desires and varied ways of responding to life situations and then there are the vital forces which regulate the body and its functions. Above all this, Guru Gorakhnath says every person has a spiritual center.… (0 comment)

Chapter 2 – Manifestation of Siva as Cosmic Purusha
Cosmic Purusha contains within himself, all the eternal and infinite powers and attributes of Siva but has full consciousness of all these powers. He also retains the perfect calmness and tranquility of Siva, enjoying Nirbikalpa Samadhi alongwith an active waking or conscious state. Completely contradictory qualities exist in perfect balance within him. He is perfectly active and perfectly inactive. He perfectly enjoys the bliss of his transcendent nature within himself, … (0 comment)