In my quest to make sense of the world around me and understand the journey of life, i discovered wisdom so relevant for today in ancient source literature. There are many lesser known scriptures and teachings of great masters that I am keen to share with you through this blog.…
Having sent the spy to get more news about the plans of King Chitragreev, the Queen got back into a discussion with her PM and
asked, “Do say who are the ones with whom one must not make peace with”.…
Having heard with rapt attention and learnt the lessons of war and its consequences, the Princes were eager to learn and understand the process of peace. So they requested Vishnusarman to share stories and lessons on peace.…
So does war really take place between the King’s and the Queen’s kingdom or is war avoided through diplomacy?…….To find out read on……
Vishnusarman, being a great teacher asked the Princes what they wanted to learn further. The Princes having become more educated and aware, took some time to think and then said that being Princes, it was important for them to learn and understand War. They enquired with Vishnusarman war and the art of war.…
Damanaka said to Karataka, “The only way for us now is to use a strategy to sow differences between the king and Sanjeevak. Karataka agreed and wished him luck and success. So how does Damanaka try to create differences between the King and Sanjeevak? Is he successful?
Damanaka now gathers courage and prepares himself to meet with the Lion. …
Vishnusarman continued to tell the Princes the story to understand the life aspect of ‘Losing of Friends’…